What is actors.lu?


Its members are of Luxembourg nationality, or resident, or part of the national cultural landscape.

Created in 2010 to ensure the visibility of its members, the association has developed a website that has become an indispensable tool for casting directors, directors and producers in Luxembourg and abroad, as well as for its referenced members.

ACTORS.lu is also the umbrella association for professional actors in Luxembourg, whose objectives are to defend the interests of the profession in the various political, cultural and public institutions.

Since 2012, ACTORS.lu has been a member of the D’FILMAKADEMIE, of which it is one of the founding members, together with ALTA (Association luxembourgeoise des Technicien.ne.s de l’audiovisuel), LARS (Association luxembourgeoise des réalisateur.trice. s and scriptwriters), ULPA (Union de La Production Luxembourgeoise), CNA (Centre National de l’Audiovisuel) and FILMFUND, as well as FMAIV (Fédération des Métiers de l’Audiovisuel et de l’Image Virtuelle), FLAC (Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Auteur.e.s et Compositeur.trice.s).

Since 2019, Actors.lu is subsidised by the Ministry of Culture.

Since 2020, ACTORS.lu is a founding member of ULASC (Association Luxembourgeoise du Secteur Culturel) created with ASPRO (Association des Professionnels du Spectacle Vivant), LARS, ALTA and AAPL (Association des Artistes Plasticiens) and since 2022, a member of FIA – International Federation of Actors.

Since the General Meeting of March 2024, the Board of Directors has been made up of :
Aude-Laurence Biver, President
Oscar Martin, Vice-President
Magaly Teixeira, Treasurer
Marianne Bourg, Secretary
Léo Folschette, Lydia Indjova, Stephane Roblès and Nora Zrika, Members

Séverine Zimmer (Services for Creatives) coordinates the association.

What does Actors.lu do?

The activities of the Actors.lu association are based on 6 main actions:

  • It represents actresses/actors and defends their rights and interests with the various political and cultural institutions, both private and public, such as the Ministry of Culture or the FilmFund Luxembourg
  • Thanks to its website which gathers the profiles of the different professional actresses and actors of the Luxembourg scene and to its Newsletter which gathers and disseminates their activities on a monthly basis, Actors.lu offers its members visibility with Luxembourg and international casting directors, directors and producers
  • It sets up (in collaboration with ULASC – the Luxembourg Union of Cultural Associations) working groups aiming to improve the status of artists and intermittent workers: introduction of professional insurance, defence of neighbouring rights, defence of exceptional aid in times of pandemics, etc.
  • As a founding member of the Filmakademie, Actors.lu sits on the Board of Directors and takes part in meetings and decisions
  • Thanks to its Membersletter, it keeps its members informed of news concerning the cultural sector in Luxembourg and of new initiatives undertaken by the association
  • It develops and maintains partnerships with other international actors’ structures and offers various training courses and workshops to its members

Consult the articles of Association

Who can become a member?


Admission criteria

Either :

  • I am part of the Luxembourg cultural landscape (category1)
    I have obtained in the 3 years preceding this membership application:
    -> 1 credited role in at least 3 (co)productions, 2 of which are Luxembourg productions supported by Filmfund Luxembourg or one of the members of the Theaterfederatioun, and at least 1 of the 3 productions must be a film production.
    NB: Membership must then be maintained by obtaining 1 credited role in at least 3 productions, including 1 Luxembourg production, every 3 years, at least 1 of which must be a cinema production.

Or :

  • I am of Luxembourg nationality and I live and work mainly abroad (category 2)
    I have obtained in the 3 years preceding the application for membership:
    -> 1 credited role in at least 1 Luxembourg (co)production supported by Filmfund Luxembourg or one of the members of the Theaterfederatioun + 3 other productions abroad.
    Of the 4 productions, at least 2 must be film productions.
    NB: The conditions for maintaining membership are those for category 1.

Or :

  • I am under 26 (category 3)
    -> I have completed a full-time professional training course of at least 3 years at an acting school.
    -> I have obtained a role in 1 Luxembourg (co)production supported by Filmfund Luxembourg or one of the members of the Theaterfederatioun.
    NB: Maintenance of membership: 1 (co)production to be renewed within 2 years of joining actors (otherwise the profile may be withdrawn). From the third year onwards, the conditions for maintaining membership are those for category 1.

Or :

  • I am over 65 (category 4)
    I have obtained in the 3 years prior to this application:
    -> 1 credited role in at least 1 Luxembourg (co)production supported by Filmfund Luxembourg or one of the members of the Theaterfederatioun


Definition of a role: By ‘role’, we mean a substantial role appearing in the end credits, excluding any extras or silhouettes, even speaking ones. Accepted formats include feature-length, medium-length and short films, docu-dramas, VR/XR works and plays.

Profiles on the site are re-evaluated every year: members who remain inactive for too long, or whose profiles are not updated, or whose photos do not correspond to professional criteria, may be removed.

Download the application form !

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